Let’s prep your baby for the best possible session.

  • When is your baby the happiest? Let’s make sure we book a time where you know they are in the best mood. I like to book babies in the morning before the day hasn’t taken a toll on them.
  • Make sure they have eaten and taken that nap before the session! I know they are unpredictable but do what you can.
  • Bring baby dressed with a large bib, towel or blanket over their fresh ironed outfit. Babies often don’t like to be fussed with especially changing in a new enviornment. So, bringing them ready gives you an advantage. It also gives us more shooting time.
  • Comb your baby’s hair before arriving. When you get to the studio you can make final touch-ups.
  • As babies get older, they get mobile. They will run away, crawl away and roll away! I will need mom or dad as a spotter so there aren’t any accidents. Safety is always a priority!
  • Keeping baby engaged is my biggest goal. Eye contact with the camera and facial expressions are what I need. I will spend some time with your baby, trying to win them over, be patient with the process. Refrain from giving baby the phone prior to appointment – the phone is a last resort. Trust me when I say your baby will run the show. We may resort to music or videos on the phone, lollipops, or crazy fart noises just to keep them interested and smiling. If there is a toy they love, bring it!
  • It may get messy! Or sometimes not! If you opt in for a Cash Smash, remember some babies will tear up that cake and some will hate it (even throw it up)! I recommend getting a cake with whip cream, it’s not as sweet and has a fluffy texture which looks great in the photos. Oh’ and if you get a blue or dark color cake it will stain babies skin and red frosting may even look like blood… so just beware! Also you will only need a 6-7 inch cake.
  • If scheduled for a Cake Smash or Milk Bath bring an extra change of clothes and a towel.
  • My goal is always to make smiles… but remember I can’t work miracles. Some babies are serious, some may not want to be the center of attention, or they just aren’t into it. Don’t worry, I’ll still work hard to create sweet expressions and even that cry baby face is just as cute as smiles sometimes! Please remember I don’t reschedule if baby doesn’t smile, I don’t reschedule if baby cries the whole time. If you’d like a redo you’ll have to purchase another session.
  • Lastly, sick babies are not welcome, if baby starts showing sick symptoms please call or message me as soon as possible to reschedule. They will not be happy, and neither will I. Keep them home to rest and recover and we will get them in as soon as they are feeling better!